اخر تصوير عالمي مع Kim Heechul بالتاكيد جعل دائرة الاضواء ساطعة ومشرقة عليه.
ليس فقط باظهار العديد من الزوايا والجوانب التصويرية, ولكنه ايضا وفي المقام الاول عمل و كانه لم يكن بعيدا ابدا.
بمجرد ان عاد, كان كما لو تم الضغط على زر التوقف وعاد للتشغيل مرة اخرى وكانه لا وقت مر على الاطلاق.
حين سئل اثناء المقابلة عن الجيش, كشف Heechul انه كان يستقل المترو كل يوم للذهاب الى الخدمه , وانه يريد ان يحافظ على البيانات الشخصية بقدر ما يستطيع. وانه قضى خدمتة العسكرية دون ان يسبب ضجة ويريد ان يبقى على هذا النحو باستمرار.
على الرغم من انه ظل مضطربا من وقت لاخر كما اعترف: " في الحقيقة لم استطع ان افعل ما اريد ان افعل لمدة عامين, كان حقا ذلك صعب."
كما اضاف انه حقا افتقد المعجبين, اللذين اعتادوا على سحب قميصه وشعره في المطار.
تقدم مدرائه كشهود على نضوج Heechul , كما انه ادرك ان الشخص الذي عاش بعيدا عن اهتمام الاخرين له بعد ان لم يتمكن من رؤيه معجبيه.
كما انه يعتقد انه مر عامين منذ اخر مرة تحدث عن ارائه عن الفتيات قائلا: " انه حقا يريد ان يتواعد مع فتاة اجمل منه".
كما اضاف "اريد ان اتذكر ذلك الشعور بالعطش لوقت حقا حقا طويل".
-------- In English --------
Heechul talking about the army and his ideal girl to Cosmopolitan:-
The last Cosmopolitan imaging with Kim Heechul will definitely make the limelight and shining bright on him.
Not only by showing many angles pictorial, but also work in the first place, as if he had never been away.
Once he returned, it was as if you were pressing the pause button and returned to run again like no time passed at all.
When asked during the interview about the military, Heechul revealed that he was riding the subway every day to go to the service, and he want to keep his personal data as much as he can. He spent his military service without causing a stir and wants to stay that way continuously.
Although he still troubled from time to time, he admitted: "In fact I could not do what I want to do for two years, it was really difficult."
He also added that he really missed the fans, who are accustomed to pulling his shirt and his hair at the airport.
His managers served as witnesses to the maturation of Heechul, as he realized that he is the person who lived away the attention of others to him after he was unable to see his fans.
He also thought that he's been two years since the last time talked about his views about girls, saying: "he really want to date the more beautiful girl than him."
He also added "I want to remember that thirsty feeling for a really really long time."
Marwa Magdy(마르와)ترجمه
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