

Hyosung  من Secret حملت مؤخرا صورشخصية "selca" تبرزجمالها !
في 9 أبريل، Hyosung  قامت بالتحديث على تويتر، "إنه شعور محرج  للتصرف بشكل لطيف في صوري وأنا الآن في هذا العمر ... اريد حقا ان استمربغناء"Shy Boy" حتى بعد 10 سنوات، لكنني لا أعتقد أنني أستطيع أن ... "
 ايضا لقد رفعت 3 الصور مع تعليق: " خطأ اخر، لكن آمل أن يجعلك تبتسم!"
علق مستخدمى الانترنت، "أنا لا أرى أي خطأ في تلك الصور ... كلها جميلة!"، "وجهك رائع ... جميلة"، "إنك لطيفة جدا! أراهن أنهك يمكن اداء "Shy Boy" حتى بعد 10 سنوات!"
هذا الخبر من ترجمتي يرجى عدم نقله من دون
ذكر أسم ArAb KpOp و رابط المدونة

إرسال تعليق

  1. 15 years later, and it still amazes me the bull shit the USDA puts out, of which most of the media follows. both of which are oblivious. very sad...

    OIE says the animal was sub-clinical ;

    also, officials have confirmed it was a atypical L-type BASE BSE.

    I am deeply disturbed about the false and terribly misleading information that is being handed out by the USDA FDA et al about this recent case of the atypical L-type BASE BSE case in California. these officials are terribly misinformed (I was told they are not lying), about the risk factor and transmissibility of the atypical L-type BASE BSE. these are very disturbing transmission studies that the CDC PUT OUT IN 2012. I urge officials to come forward with the rest of this story.

    It is important to reiterate here, even though this animal did not enter the food chain, the fact that the USA now finds mad cow disease in samplings of 1 in 40,000 is very disturbing, and to add the fact that it was an atypical L-type BASE BSE, well that is very disturbing in itself. 1 out of 40,000, would mean that there were around 25 mad cows in the USA annually going by a National herd of 100 million (which now I don’t think the USA herd is that big), but then you add all these disturbing factors together, the documented link of sporadic CJD cases to atypical L-type BASE BSE, the rise in sporadic CJD cases in the USA of a new strain of CJD called ‘classification pending Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease’ cpCJD, in young and old, with long duration of clinical symptoms until death. the USA has a mad cow problem and have consistently covered it up. it’s called the SSS policy. ...

    see full text with updated transmission studies and science on the atypical L-type BASE BSE Jan. 2012 CDC. ...

    ***Oral Transmission of L-type Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy in Primate Model

    ***Infectivity in skeletal muscle of BASE-infected cattle

    ***feedstuffs- It also suggests a similar cause or source for atypical BSE in these countries.

    ***Also, a link is suspected between atypical BSE and some apparently sporadic cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans.

    now, for the rest of the story, the most updated science on the atypical BSE strains, and transmission studies...

    Thursday, April 26, 2012

    Update from USDA Regarding a Detection of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in the United States WASHINGTON bulletin at 04/26/2012 10:11 PM EDT

    I lost my mom to the hvCJD, ‘confirmed’ DOD 12/14/97, and just made a promise. ...

    Terry S. Singeltary Sr. Bacliff, Texas USA 77518

