

song joong ki يقضي يومه الاخير مع عائلته قبل تجنيده وكالته قالت song joong ki لم يخطط لشئ من اجل اليوم قبل تجنيده هو يخطط من اجل قضائه مع والديه و عائلته .

والديه من مدينة Daejun . و لكن قد اتوا الى سؤول من اجل قضاء وقت مع ابنهم و توديعه من اجل التجنيد في يوم 27.

أيضا، سونغ جونغ كي سيتم حلق شعره على 27 في الصباح
و هو مصر ان يودع معجبييه الوداع الاخير قبل ذهابه.

وقالت وكالة له، "انه يخطط لرؤية المشجعين له لكي يقول لهم انه سوف يعتني بنفسه و ان ينتظروه من دون ان ينسوا تشجيعه له.

Song Joong Ki is spending the last day before his enlistment with his parents. His agency said, "Song Joong Ki didn't plan anything for the day before his enlistment. He's want to enjoy it with his parents and family ." His parents are from Daejun, they came up to Seoul to see him off on 27th Also, Song Joong Ki will be shaving his hair in the morning of 27th Song Joong Ki says goodbye to fans prior to his enlistment through a fan meeting He's still insist to say his final goodbye to fans his agency said, "He's planning to see his fans and tell them he'll take care of himself and wait him without forgetting to encourage him ."

هذا الخبر من ترجمة Admin salma

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