

Junho عضو فرقة 2pm ينهى جولته الاولى منفردا بنجاح في اليابان :
اثبت Junho عضو فرقة 2pm انه يمكنه النجاح كفنان من منفرد من خلال التجمع الكبير من حولة اثناء جولتة الاولى باليابان توقف Junho في خمس مدن في اليابان اثناء ال 12 حفل موسيقي , كما حصل على اعجاب كثير خلال ال 2 ساعة الموسيقة التي كان يقدمها في كل حفل بسبب اغانيه التي كان يقدمها والتي هي من تأليفه , كما قدم نفسه كفنان منفرد وكاتب الاغاني وقد تفاجئ Junho بامتلاء الساحة من حوله بالجماهير الحاملين رسومات عباد الشمس والتي تمثله اي انهم متطلعين الى ما سيقدمه كما تطلع زهرة عباد الشمس الى ما ستقدمه الشمس كما حضر كل من Jun.K و Wooyoung اعضاء فرقة 2pm الحفل النهائي مرتديان T-shirt مكتوب عليها I Love Junho ليظهرا دعمهما اليه مع اضواء النجوم الصفراء واصوات هتافات الجماهير التي ملات الساحة شارك Junho قائلا "اشكر كل المشجعين على دعمهم لي والذي مكنني من اداء جولتي الاولى المنفرده بنجاح , وساعمل باجتهاد حتى استطيع ان اقوم بجولة اخرى , كما اشكر ايضا كل اللذين عملوا معى طوال الطريق".
-------------In English------------
Junho member of the band 2pm finished his successful first solo tour in Japan:
 - Junho 2pm band member proved that he could succeed as a solo artist during the grand gathering around him during his first tour in Japan Junho stops in five cities in Japan during the 12 concert, also received a very impressive during the 2-hour musical, which was offered at all because of the songs that ceremony was provided which are his own authored, and presented himself as a solo artist and songwriter The fullness and the scene around Junho with the sunflower drawings surprised him and that mean they look forward to what will be presented as sunflower looked forward to what would be provided by the sun He also attended both Jun.K and Wooyoung the members of the band 2pm ceremony final wearing the T-shirt writing on it (I Love Junho) to demonstrate their support to him With lights yellow stars and voices chanting crowd that filled the arena participated Junho, saying "I thank all the fans for their support to me, which enabled me to perform my first solo concert round successfully, and I will work hard to I could do another successful tour, as I also thank all who worked with me all the way"

هذا الخبر من ترجمة (Marwa Magdy(마르와
الرجاء عدم النقل بدون ذكر المصدر 
( اسم المدونة + الرابط )

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